piektdiena, 2013. gada 1. novembris

EC Statement on Mahanidhi Swami

Official Statement and Resolution Regarding Mahanidhi Swami–Released by the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON October 28, 2013

At its recent meetings in Mumbai, India, the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON passed a resolution regarding Mahanidhi Swami. That resolution is found below followed by a brief excerpt of the GBC Executive Committee’s letter to Mahanidhi Swami’s disciples and followers.
It is Resolved that:
Mahanidhi Swami has stated that he has resigned from ISKCON, therefore he is suspended as initiating guru and sannyasi within ISKCON. We would like Mahanidhi Swami to return to ISKCON. Should he choose to do so, he should approach the GBC Executive Committee, and assisted by the Sannyasa Ministry, agree upon a complete program for his rectification and reinstatement.
The letter to Mahanidhi Swami’s followers contains the following:
We want to offer our appreciation for your courage and humility in approaching the GBC Executive Committee with your concerns regarding Mahanidhi Swami’s problematic behavior.
We know that it was difficult and painful for you to come forward. We also know that you did so only after multiple, genuine efforts to assist your diksha guru by speaking with him directly.
We respect the sincerity of your efforts to help him, and we respect that you approached the GBC in a sincere mood of doing what was best for both Mahanidhi Swami and ISKCONi
We encourage you–especially at this time–to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada and his instructions, as he is the preeminent siksha guru for all ISKCON devotees.
We also encourage you to take shelter of other senior devotees in ISKCON. As long as you continue to take guidance of Srila Prabhupada and his sincere followers and remain strict in your spiritual practices, you will be safe and secure under Lord Krishna’s protection.
The GBC Executive Committee also wishes to request the devotees of ISKCON to offer their prayers for Mahanidhi Swami. We also request all ISKCON devotees to extend their full support, friendship and understanding to the disciples and followers of Mahanidhi Swami, who themselves are remaining as faithful followers of Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON society.
Your servants,
The GBC Executive Committee
Tamohara das, Chair
Anuttama das
Praghosa das

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