sestdiena, 2013. gada 14. decembris

New Preaching Centre in Sri Lanka

Vasudeva Datta dasa: Last week we had a grand opening of a new Hare Krishna Centre in Batticaloa, Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. With the blessings of the GBCs and support of ISKCON Colombo authorities we had a wonderful two days festival. The lightning board of “Hare Krishna Centre” on the main road has now become a new land mark of the City and a new bus stop’s name.
Batticaloa area is an ex war zone and preaching here is a challenging task. Nevertheless people of Sri Lanka are now hankering for something meaningful in their lives. They are looking for a true solution for their problems.
We are humbly requesting all devotees to bless us and support us in all ways, so that we can spread Sankirtana Movement in Ravana’s land.
We are especially grateful to HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami and his senior disciples for their merciful guidance and support.
On behalf of ISKCON Batticaloa, Your servant, Vasudeva Datta dasa 0094 77 55 61 446

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