otrdiena, 2014. gada 25. marts

Jagannatha Puri

The city is shaped like the shadow of a Conchshell. The shape of the Conchshell bears the spiritual significance of Jagannath Puri being the abode of the Godhead, Vishnu, who carries a Conchshell as part of his eternal paraphernalia. In the center of the Conchshell shadow there is a portion of raised ground called Nilgiri or "the blue hill." On the crest ofNilgiri stands an imposing temple complex dedicated to Vishnu as Jagannath, "the Maintainer of the Universe." In Sanskritjagat means the universe, and natha means the maintainer.

For thousands of year’s great sages and other exalted persons have traveled to Puri on pilgrimage. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chose to reside here for the last eighteen years of His life.

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